
Showing posts from January, 2022

'My Guardian Anger'

  Years ago, before I left my beautiful country, I got to know a poem/song by Jaroslaw Szubrycht called ‘My Guardian Anger’. It confused me for a while, before it turned into a light bulb moment. I chewed and chewed and chewed on the meaning of it. Then I finally got it! People feel angry when something is wrong!! Anger can protect me! And it has ever since. Every time I failed to call that anger - I suffered the consequences. The guardian anger was always there to tell me that something wasn’t right. It helped me to negotiate healthier boundaries with people and change dynamics in different relationships. It made me speak up when essential and brought me to many wonderful insights, conclusions, twists and turns, people and events. It gave me the energy to reach for things that I dared to dream of. It kept me going through the many obstacles that appeared on my path and clear it.   I believe if a person is in touch with their anger – they are healthy. Feeling anger might stop ...